Aug 17Liked by Joelle Brinkley

Joelle, this post really spoke to me.

This: “This verse reminds me that even when God calls us to radical obedience that it won’t make sense to those who don’t have this exact same call to obedience in their lives”.

I feel this in so many ways right now as I go down a path that is in my own beliefs divinely-inspired, but makes little sense to others. Thank you for writing this. God bless. 🙏

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Good to hear friend! Sometimes you’re looking for bigger answers beyond this natural world to why we’re here and for daily guidance. There is hope in God my friend and in a community of anchored believers who can help you walk your path. You’re never alone.

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So appreciated hearing this. Thanks for sharing, Joelle!

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One of the most difficult life choices was to move across the pond to N. Ireland. Needless to say my side of the family was not enthused--but we felt it was the right thing to do for our wee family. God bless you in your move and may God bring comfort and opportunity for opportunities to visit with extended family.

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My Dad and I were speaking on this topic tonight! We imagine there are very few of us, and we ask "why us?" But we follow Him faithfully because for us there is no other way than obedience. God be with you as well. Keep on writing of this. 🤗🌼

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I’d love to hear more about what you and your dad were specifically talking about whether it was about why we choose obedience or if it’s something else!

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'You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.' psalm 23

Specifically following God {being obedient}, when it doesn't make sense to others or even our rational mind; seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness rather than our self interest.

We talked about how God removes us from comfortable circumstances and often places us out in the wilderness (in the presence of enemies/ unfriendly territory) where we must learn to depend upon Him, not on our own strength or our own resources.

Joelle, my dad has been following the Lord since 1956 never veering - always placing his faith & trust in God, and I my walk is 39 years so far. Ours is not a story of riches and successes but just the opposite: sufferings and joys, tribulations and trials, traveling the valleys in the shadow of death, but our relationship with the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ is real.

Now why did we get selected to be close to God and know we are to obey Him, regardless of what He asks, regardless of what He removes from our life or brings into our life? And friends and relatives give Him no real thought in their daily life at all?

If what I have in my relationship with God is not the real thing, I honestly don't know what it would look like otherwise.

I hope this makes sense and answered your question.

Blessings! ❤️

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I follow your train of thought and definitely ask the same kind of questions. I’ll think about it more and maybe a follow up post!

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Very encouraging!

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God bless your continued journey. With God all things are possible 🙏🌻

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deletedAug 18
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PS: love your photo!

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Joelle, I commented but deleted it because I felt that it diminished your move. It may have come to you by email. I said: Radical obedience. Kind of sad that it is exactly that isn't it? Radical. Commonplace obedience would be

something wouldn't it?

I meant what we see as radical obedience and yes, I agree, your move was radical, but wouldnt it be something if that kind of obedience was commonplace in the church? And met with praise even though we may lose close contact with loved ones or lose a valued member from our ministry or congregation.

Preaching to the choir here as I haven't fully obeyed in writing the story God asked me to write. But I have been a bit radical in other ways. In serving in the homeless community and in a move when my.kids were younger.

My son and his wife trained at a school in Mexico for a year before they were to go overseas to eastern Asia for 4 years. They didnt go because the sending church felt my son needed more education and now they have a baby and he has accepted a position as a principal at a Christian school opening in the new year. I must admit, I was relieved so I understand how your family feels. I told myself, this is what your raised your child for. To live for Christ and be obedient.

Your post reminds me of missionaries over a century ago who would cross oceans to live in a foreign land with the knowledge that they would likely never see family again this side of Heaven. That is radical. We are so blessed by technology and easier travel

Lovely post with much to think of. I pray that your family comes to see the eternal blessings in your decision and you and your husband see the fruits of your obedience. 🙏

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